Bible Major /
Associate Degree
Two-Year Course Program
10 of 24 Courses - Bible (42%)
7 of 24 Courses - Specialized (29%)
4 of 24 Courses - Ministry (17%)
2 of 24 Courses - Theology (8%)
1 of 24 Courses - Elective (4%)
with Hands-On Training through Your Church
Note: These are the recommended courses - they could be changed depending upon previous schooling, etc.
Women's Course of Study*
Freshman Year Fall
Old Testament Survey
Pentateuch I (Genesis)
Life of Christ I
Biblical Structure
Bible Doctrine OVW & Theo Proper
Life Skills
Freshman Year Spring
New Testament Survey
Poetical Books (Job–Song of Solomon)
Life of Christ II
Personal Evangelism
Christian Womanhood
Sophomore Year Fall
Prison Epistles (Eph., Phil., Col., Phlmn.)
Teaching Children I (SS, Jr. Ch., VBS, etc.)
Great Women of the Bible
Pastor's Wife
Sophomore Year Spring
Christian Ethics
Teaching Children II (SS, Jr. Ch, VBS, etc.)
Bible Study Methods
Great Women of Church History
*Men's courses will be determined according to need.