Bible Major /
Pastoral Minor

Four-Year Course Program
24 of 48 Courses - Bible (50%)
8 of 48 Courses - Ministry (18%)
11 of 48 Courses - Doctrine (23%)
4 of 48 Courses - English (9%)
2 of 48 Courses - Missions* (4%)
with Hands-On Training through Your Church
Freshman Year Fall
Old Testament Survey
Pentateuch I (Genesis)
Biblical Structure
Bible Doctrine I (OVW & Theo. Proper)
Life Skills
English Grammar I
Freshman Year Spring
New Testament Survey
Pentateuch II (Exodus–Deuteronomy)
World History Overview (Bible Background)**
Bible Doctrine II (Bibliology – KJV)
Personal Evangelism
English Grammar II

Sophomore Year Fall
Historical Books I (Joshua–Ruth)
Historical Books II (I Samuel - II Chron.)
Poetical Books (Job–Song of Solomon)
Prophetical Books I (Isaiah–Jeremiah)
Bible Doctrine III (Angelology, Anthropology, Hamartiology, Soteriology)
English Composition & Literature I
Sophomore Year Spring
Historical Books III (Kings–Esther)
Prophetical Books II (Ezekiel–Malachi)
Bible Doctrine IV (Ecclesiology)
Bible Study Methods
English Composition & Literature II
"When I arrived at NBBS in 2001, I thought I knew the Bible pretty well. The faculty however, open-ed the Word and taught me things I had never known before. I will always cherish the education and training that I received, which grounded me in the Word of God. I recommend the Norris Bible Baptist Seminary to anyone who is seeking to be used of God."
(Frank Hefner, 2005 NBBS Graduate, pastor of Mountain Home Missionary Baptist Church, Jacksboro, TX.)
Junior Year Fall
Life of Christ I
Bible Doctrine V (Christology)
World Religions & Cults
Creation Science I
Missions I (Missions History)**
Fundamentals of Church Music
Junior Year Spring
Life of Christ II
Missions II (Biblical Basis)
Senior Year Fall
Church History (incl. History of Doct.)**
Church Planting
Pastoral Ministry
Church Polity and Administration
Senior Year Spring
Pastoral Epistles (Cor., Thess., Tim., Titus)
Prison Epistles (Eph., Phil., Col., Phlmn.)
General Epistles (Hebrews–Jude)
Baptist History**
Bible Doctrine VI (Eschatology)
*NOTE: There are also four-year degree programs for Missionaries, Youth Directors, and Church Ministry (for Women or Non-Preacher Students). They are the same as above except some courses are replaced with specialization classes for missionaries, such as Missions III (Cross Cultural) and Missions IV (Deputation) (of course, Acts and all the Epistles are "missions related courses"); for youth directors, Youth Directorship I & II; for women, there are seven specialization courses. Also, there is a two-year program of study and a one-year Bible diploma program. There are also the courses Creation Science II, Ethics, American History, and Marriage which are also offered and can be taken in the stead of some of the above courses, if perceived to be more pertinent for the student.
**The four history courses make much use of the Gospels and Acts; and World History Overview, both the N/T and O/T
One Week of Concentrated Study is conducted each semester with a focus on various areas of Church Ministry such as: Sunday School, Jr. Church, VBS, Legal Issues, etc., as well as one on the KJV, Church Revitalization, or Church Planting.